Suki Advantage app for iPhone and iPad
Earn and redeem points by shopping at any Seafood City Supermarket store, avail exclusive deals and promotional offers, send money*, and more with the all-new SukiAdvantage app!
SukiAdvantage, powered by BayaniPay, is a rewards program mobile app in partnership with the biggest Filipino-Asian supermarket chain in the United States, Seafood City Supermarket.
New features:
- Earn points by shopping at any Seafood City Supermarket store through your in-app QR code
- Use points into cash which you can use for your next purchase at any Seafood City Supermarket store
- Browse and avail exclusive deals and promotional offers from partner merchants (Seafood City, BayaniPay, and many more!)
*Sign up to BayaniPay to activate remittance, pay bills, and open a US bank account. Subject to e-KYC processes.